The purpose of this site is to advertise the services and products of ITLytical. With a view of site users contacting us further, to explore the services and products we offers.
Various number of forms are available on this website in order to contact ITLytical should you wish too. Such forms may request company information or user information such as company name or the users name, as well as contact information and summary of request. Phone numbers and email addresses have been provided which will allow you to contact us. The information provided by you (contact details, company name and requests) will be used to contact you back to understand your requirement/ request further. Please be advised that once submitting your contact details it will be stored in our CRM system with your contact information as well as the details of your request/ requirement.
We will review customer submission data stored on a regular basis, and remove customer details on the following occasions:
- We decide not to pursue your requirement/ request further
- You inform us to remove the data
Please be assured that we do not sell or share your data with 3rd parties or use your data for any other purposes than maintaining it as a record for our communication.
Visitor tracking
Please be advised that Google Analytics is embedded within this site to track the number of visitors, referrals and behaviour in general on this website. Google Analytics is a 3rd party service which collects your IP address, and other information including; browser version, keywords used to find us and stores these variables. These records are kept as it allows us to review general visitor usage.